Given an array of integers and an integer k, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] = nums[j] and the absolute difference between i and j is at most k.
Example 1:Input: nums = [1,2,3,1], k = 3Output: true
Example 2:Input: nums = [1,0,1,1], k = 1Output: true
Example 3:Input: nums = [1,2,3,1,2,3], k = 2Output: false
/*** @param {number[]} nums* @param {number} k* @return {boolean}*/var containsNearbyDuplicate = function(nums, k) {const arr = []let l = 0let r = nums.lengthwhile (l < r) {if (arr.indexOf(nums[l]) > -1) {return true}if (arr.length < k) {arr.push(nums[l])} else if (arr.length >= k && k > 0) {arr.shift(arr[0])arr.push(nums[l])}l++}return false}
算法时间复杂度是 NlogN 级别的, 执行时间花了 1800ms。
/*** @param {number[]} nums* @param {number} k* @return {boolean}*/var containsNearbyDuplicate = function(nums, k) {const temSet = new Set()let l = 0let r = nums.lengthwhile (l < r) {if (temSet.has(nums[l])) {return true}if (temSet.size < k) {temSet.add(nums[l])} else if (temSet.size >= k && k > 0) {temSet.delete(nums[l - k])temSet.add(nums[l])}l++}return false}
使用 Set 用同样的思路实验, 时间复杂度为 O(N), 其执行时间比之前用数组队列的实现快了很多。