Given two words (beginWord and endWord), and a dictionary's word list, find all shortest transformation
sequence(s) from beginWord to endWord, such that:
Only one letter can be changed at a time
Each transformed word must exist in the word list. Note that beginWord is not a transformed word
Return an empty list
if there is no such transformation sequence.have the same length
.contain only lowercase alphabetic characters
.no duplicates
in the word list.non-empty
and are not the same
.Example 1:
Input:beginWord = "hit",endWord = "cog",wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"]Output:[["hit","hot","dot","dog","cog"],["hit","hot","lot","log","cog"]]
Example 2:
Input:beginWord = "hit"endWord = "cog"wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]Output: []// Explanation: The endWord "cog" is not in wordList, therefore no possible transformation.
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/*** @param {string} beginWord* @param {string} endWord* @param {string[]} wordList* @return {string[][]}*/var findLadders = function(beginWord, endWord, wordList) {const result = []if (wordList.indexOf(endWord) === -1) return resultconst queue = []const visitedObj = {beginWord: {visited: true,visitedParent: null}}queue.push({ word: createNode(beginWord), level: 1 })let levelLimit = nullwhile (queue.length > 0) {const { word, level } = queue.shift()if (levelLimit && level >= levelLimit) return result// if the value and it's parent value are visited, jump this loop;if (visitedObj[word.val] && visitedObj[word.val].visited&& word.parent === visitedObj[word.val].visitedParent) continuefor (let i = 0; i < wordList.length; i++) {const isDiffOneWord = ifDiffOneWord(word.val, wordList[i])if (isDiffOneWord) {const newNode = createNode(wordList[i])newNode.parent = wordif (wordList[i] === endWord) {result.push(convertTreeToArr(newNode, beginWord))levelLimit = level + 1}queue.push({ word: newNode, level: level + 1 })visitedObj[word.val] = {visited: true,visitedParent: word}}}}return result}// judge if the targetWord has one different word from the comparedWord;function ifDiffOneWord(targetWord, comparedWord) {let wordLength = targetWord.lengthlet diffNum = 0for (let i = 0; i < wordLength; i++) {if (targetWord[i] !== comparedWord[i]) {diffNum++}if (diffNum > 1) return false}if (diffNum === 1) {return true} else {return false}}/*** create new Node*/function createNode(val) {return {val,parent: null}}/*** convert tree to arr*/function convertTreeToArr(tree, beginWord) {const result = []while (tree.parent) {result.unshift(tree.val)tree = tree.parent}result.unshift(beginWord)return result}